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Jesse Q+A - January Edition

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Thank you to everyone who sent in their questions on Instagram — I love hearing from all of you and I wish I could answer every question. Answering five of the most asked below :)

FYI I will be doing this at the end of every month so make sure you’re following my personal account on Instagram @jessegolden and subscribe to my email list HERE so you don't miss your question potentially being answered!


Q1: How Can I Support Myself During Wildfire Smoke Exposure?

Wildfire smoke contains harmful particles and gases that can damage respiratory health and increase cancer risks. Discover essential supplements, protective herbs, and effective lifestyle changes to safeguard your health against smoke exposure.

Q2: How do you start your day with a positive attitude?

My children have always been my biggest shift changer. It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you have a smiley baby to wake up to. Of course I have days where I’m exhausted, especially lately but I always choose to focus on the positive because I’m a big believer in what I put out I get back

Q3: How can I support my skin with the poor air quality currently in LA?

Poor air quality in LA can take a toll on your skin, causing dryness, irritation, and accelerated aging. Lips lack the protective outer layer of skin and oil glands, making them especially prone to cracking and dryness. To combat these effects, prioritize products that deeply hydrate and protect your skin and lips.

Our Organic Coconut Lip Balm will keep your lips hydrated and shielded from harm. It creates a protective barrier that locks in moisture and prevents pollutants from penetrating the delicate skin on your lips, which is especially vulnerable. Additionally, the Heal All Oil is an essential skincare staple that calms inflammation and fortifies the skin’s barrier to counteract the dryness caused by smoke and pollutants. For best results, start with a generous spritz of Aura Beauty Mist to prep and hydrate the skin, then follow with Heal All Oil on the face and other exposed areas to protect against environmental damage and maintain healthy, radiant skin.

Together, these products can help keep your skin nourished and protected against the harsh conditions caused by wildfire smoke and poor air quality in LA.




Q4: I know you were directly affected by the fires. How do you recommend navigating the emotional health side of things, especially for those who lost everything?

I never imagined fires would end up on my bingo card this year—or ever, at least not like this. After days of uncertainty with the fire at our doorstep, not knowing if we’d still have a home, I eventually went numb. I think it was my body’s way of protecting itself.

My heart aches deeply for those who lost their homes, especially knowing so much of this devastation could have been prevented. I recently read an article emphasizing the importance of prioritizing self-care, fostering community, and maintaining routines—especially for children—during times like these.

If the emotional toll feels overwhelming, please don’t hesitate to seek professional support. Rebuilding emotionally is just as important as rebuilding physically.


Q5: What air purifier do you recommend?

I highly recommend the AirDoctor 3000. It’s a powerhouse with its UltraHEPA™ filter and dual-action Carbon/Gas Trap/VOC filter, effectively capturing smoke, bacteria, viruses, mold, pet dander, and pollen. It removes 99.99% of tested bacteria and viruses, including 99.97% of SARS-CoV-2. It’s a game-changer for keeping your indoor air clean, and right now, you can grab it for $300 off! Just click through the link or use code: BEGOLDEN to get the deal. Trust me, it's been a lifesaver for my family's health. I already had two and just got another one due to the fires.

Use Code BEGOLDEN for $300 Off!


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