Having beautiful skin is a necessity when you are a model but even if you're not getting your picture taken, one of the first things people see is your skin. A blemish can keep someone locked in the house or embarrassed to go out in public. There are so many acne cremes but I find that the amount of toxins that most of them have in them, kind of out way their purpose. Keeping things simple is what I always find to work the best. Here are my top, natural, acne, fighting ingredients.
Organic Raw Honey - Honey is a natural antiseptic. The bee pollen and propolis stimulate new skin growth. Loaded with antioxidants and enzymes that naturally kill bacteria and leaves your skin hydrated.
Baking soda- Baking soda is a natural antibiotic. I'm sure you have heard of people using it to brush their teeth or used as an odor eliminator. Once a week add a pinch to your regular face wash and it creates a beautiful foaming scrub that gets rid of dead skin cells and bacteria. It can be drying so I do not recommend more than twice a week.
Tea Tree oil- Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that kills bacteria and amazingly gets rid of pimples overnight. I like to dilute pure tea tree oil with a little water and apply to face with a cotton swab. Steer clear from your eyes and mouth because it is very strong and can burn. It is also drying so apply a hydrating moisturizer after.
Raw goat yogurt with Spirulina- This is a great mask that I make at home. Take raw goat yogurt and add a teaspoon of Spirulina and apply to face. Leave on for up to 20 min then rinse. This is a very soothing nutrient rich mask that calms any inflammation you have.
* Every day and every night you look in the mirror and say, I am beautiful or I am handsome. And with time and practice you will start seeing what everybody else already does. - Jesse Golden
Comments (6)
madeline cintron on March 27, 2017
i love you!
goldenyogi on March 27, 2017
Love you:) xo
Crystal on March 27, 2017
How do you use the honey?
goldenyogi on March 27, 2017
Are you talking about the raw honey for face mask? Just put it on as you would any mask:)
Allie on March 27, 2017
Do you use anything special on the rest of your skin? Even your shoulders are flawless!
goldenyogi on March 27, 2017
Thank you:) I always moisturize. I always moisturize with hydrating oils like rose or coconut. I am also a big fan of scrubbing with a good hand mitt:)
Comments (6)
madeline cintron on March 27, 2017
i love you!
goldenyogi on March 27, 2017
Love you:) xo
Crystal on March 27, 2017
How do you use the honey?
goldenyogi on March 27, 2017
Are you talking about the raw honey for face mask? Just put it on as you would any mask:)
Allie on March 27, 2017
Do you use anything special on the rest of your skin? Even your shoulders are flawless!
goldenyogi on March 27, 2017
Thank you:) I always moisturize. I always moisturize with hydrating oils like rose or coconut. I am also a big fan of scrubbing with a good hand mitt:)
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