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How I increased my milk supply naturally!

I am a huge advocate of breast-feeding.  My Mom helped pioneer the Le Leche League and breast-fed me until I was 4 yrs of age.  Luckily I had her to support and help guide me through the breast-feeding challenges when I had my son. When he was just a couple of months old I got a double ear infection and reluctantly was put on antibiotics.  A mixture of being a new, exhausted Mother and in excruciating pain caused me to have poor judgment and not do my research on the drug that was prescribed.  I trusted my doctor because he knew I was aware that I was breast-feeding.  Unfortunately the medication caused my milk to stop completely!  I was horrified and desperate to get my milk supply going again because nor my son or I was ready to stop. I started taking the herb Fenugreek a couple of times a day and pumped continually.  With in 2 days my milk was back and in full source. I was able to continue breast-feeding until my son weened himself. Fenugreek seed is a natural herb that is known to increase milk 100% with in a day to 2 weeks.  The only possible side effect is that it can cause you to smell like maple syrup.  It is often used in artificial maple syrups to give it its flavor and smell.  Nobody ever had a problem with my perspiration smelling like maple and your little one takes on the scent, as if they weren't already edible enough. Now a days there are several synergistic teas, like Mother's milk tea, that you can buy at your local store to help increase and maintain your milk supply. Remember breast milk is a supply on demand theory so if you feed your baby when it is hungry, your body will naturally create enough milk, as long as there is no outside interferance like in my case. Your baby will signal you with a pucker of the lips and intuitivly create the perfect feeding schedule, usually every two hours at first. Along with Fenugreek and my will to want to give my son the best nutrients on the planet I was able to continue breast feeding for as long as he wanted, which was just shy of 4 years old. -I have heard stories of woman who adopted, never even bearing a child and still through herbs like Fenugreek and the will of a Motherly instinct were able to produce milk.-Jesse Golden *All opinions and beliefs expressed in my posts are based on my experiences.  I am not a medical doctor.  The utmost importance is for the safety of you and your baby.  You have to research and be mindful to find out what works for you.

Comments (3)

  • Monica Ortiz on March 27, 2017

    I really wish I had someone to push or even guide me to breast feed my two kids. My son who will be 17 shortly and daughter will be 12 were born in an era where breast feeding was taboo. I was just adamant on bottle feeding with formula, for no good reason. My children weren’t sickly or anything like that but I do wish I had more information and took a more positive approach. We I see the benefits of breast feeding now I do have regrets but it’s nothing I can change now. All I can do is make their lives as healthy as I can now. Keep up the great work!

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    I am very lucky that I had such a great support team to encourage me and keep me strong.That is why I want to spread my knowldge and help new Moms that don’t know what to do.
    You have the right attitude.That in itself is the quality of a great Mom:)

  • 5 Mama Tricks for Magical Mamas to be. « The Golden Secrets ® on March 27, 2017

    […] 1. Breast milk-  Breast milk is possibly the best food your baby will ever get but it’s benefits are not limited to just being a superfood. Mother’s milk has antibodies in it that can’t be found anywhere else on earth so its ability to heal can be used for anything from  a stuffy nose to a boo boo. Squirt your breast milk directly into your little ones nose to help relieve congestion or put it on any scratch or rash instead of harsh chemicals or neosporin. Believe it or not but breasts were given to woman filled with one of the most precious resources on Earth. There is nothing more beautiful and right than that. Here is a link to a previous post on how to increase your milk supply. […]

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