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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: yoga

I Was Not Born Flexible, I Fight For It. Learn How I Do It.

I grew up dancing at my Mother's studio and always admired the ballerinas who effortlessly  had their legs up to their ears. I would spend hours a day training and then after training, go home and stretch until bed. So much so that my nickname growing us was 'Stretch". I...

5 Big Mistakes People Make When Working Out

1. Forget the fan and/or air-conditioning- Nothing drives me more crazy than doing the hard work to warm my body up then having a fan or blast of air-conditioning right on me. The whole point of working out is to break a sweat. When the muscles get warm, you are...

5 Things You Maybe Didn't Know about Yoga That Will Make You Want To Go

I am a certified Hatha yoga teacher. I fell in love with yoga 15 years ago when I was going through a hard time in my life. I remember making a conscious commitment to go, especially when I didn't feel like going because that was always when I needed it...

Embrace Your Body and Let Go of Judgment For Yourself and Others.

For those of you who do not know, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. These are some pictures of me at my worst. Unable to walk for almost a year, dealing with severe side effects from both the disease and medicine. I am 5.10 and was under 95 lbs. Losing chunks of...

Looking at Life from a Different Perspective with Yoga

Some times all we need to appreciate what we have in life is to look at it from a different perspective. One might complain about having to go to the store to get groceries but if you take that same person to a village in Africa, where they have to...

5 Days to Detox/Day 5

Day 5: Exercises to Target Detoxification Jumping or rebounding, preferably on a trampoline, has special benefits regarding detoxification. It stimulates the lymph system, which is where the body stores unwanted debris, such as fats, bacteria, and other harmful materials. The lymph system relies solely on the body's movements to help...

Raising Your Vibration

Quantum physics proves that the energy we put out into the world does matter. Being conscious of the vibes we put out doesn't only affect ourselves but everyone as a whole. That means that our choices and positive or negative energy can have a deep impact on the world. However...

Warrior Pose…My favorite asana that changed my practice and my life.

Yoga has taught me many things. Despite just the physical benefits of a regular practice. Yoga has a way of making you work on yourself, on the inside.  Getting through the ups and downs of life, the mat can be our greatest teacher.  Each pose or asana gives you the...

Eternal life! Staying Young & Beautiful

When it comes to aging gracefully, my Mom has been my biggest inspiration. Not only is she gorgeous on the outside but she is strong on the inside. Always accomplishing those agility tests as a 20 year old! My Mom has a young free spirit, always open and ready for...