I met this beautiful, inspiring Mother through Instagram. Although I have not had the pleasure to meet her in person, I feel like I know her through her beautiful pictures and images via social media.
Amanda Fay's light exudes through the computer and you are instantly left feeling uplifted and joyous. Her inspiring message comes through her own trials and experiences. She owes a lot of her success to her fiance, Justin Fata, who opened her up to a healthy lifestyle and helped her kick Adderall for an ADD diagnosis. Amanda has continued her love and passion for anything related to health, diet and fitness. She realizes it only takes one person to help make positive lifestyle changes, her fiance, Justin was that person for her so she hopes to be that person for as many people as possible. Amanda shares the wisdom and knowledge that has helped her through self-love and gratitude.
Amanda and Justin recently launched their own organic skin care line called TruSelf Organics to continue in their effort to help people be the healthiest they can be.
Amanda is a light force filled with positive enthusiasm so I couldn't wait to share some of her secrets with you.
1. What is your work out regimen?
My workout regimen is pretty mellow. I really just listen to my body and give it what it wants. Most days I do yoga as well as head stands and hand stands. I really love inversion yoga. It is so challenging and such a great core workout. I really like high intensity cardio workouts as well :)
2. What is your diet/lifestyle?
My diet is very clean. My family and I take great pride in the food we eat. We feel good, clean, real food is the best way to fuel your body. My lifestyle is simple. In this crazy, fast paced world I have to find a balance. That balance for me is living as simply as possible :)
3. Share with us your favorite healthy recipe or diet tip?
My favorite health recipe and diet tip would be to regularly take a fermented cod liver oil supplement. I truly feel the benefits of this super food are so incredible that every single person can benefit from them. My favorite brand in Green Pasture.
4. What or who inspires you?
There are many people and things that inspire me but nothing inspires me more than my fiancé and daughter. When I look into their eyes, I feel so blessed. They give me the drive I need to be the best I can be every single day. Not only for them but myself too!
5. What do you think the biggest mistake people make in getting into optimum health or shape?
I feel the biggest mistake people make when wanting to get into optimum shape is not having a diet that supports healthy living and optimum health. When you make the change to eat right and be active it is something that you have to stick with. People are quick to give up. It is a total lifestyle change to eat clean, love yourself and be active. You have to make time to prep and cook meals, work out, and love yourself. Anything is possible you just have to want it bad enough!
6. What is your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure will always be a glass of wine. I can never turn down a glass of good red wine :)
7. What is something you want to try or do but haven't yet?
Something I want to try is scuba diving. I love being underwater and swimming with the fish. I think it would be amazing to scuba dive around the Great Barrier Reef.
8. What is your favorite quote?
My favorite quote would have to be "True love is born from understanding." by Gautama Buddha. This quote has always resonated with be because it is so true. In order to love the people of the world you have to be open minded and open hearted enough to first understand them. We are all different spirits and I feel this world would have more love in it if more people took the time to be understanding.
Click here to check out Amanda's website
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