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8 Musts For Empaths

Once you have clarified that you are indeed an empath, then you have accepted that you are a little "different".  Here is a link to previous post to see if you are an empath. There are different rules that you should abide by to prevent yourself from harm and to learn how to harness your gifts towards your higher purpose. Chances are if you are not an empath then you have a friend or family member that is.  As empaths get older and wiser they tend to gravitate towards one another so it is not uncommon to eventually surround yourself with several like-minded people.  Being a meter for those around you can be exhausting so with experiences and wisdom you naturally filter out the dark shadows in your life.  I'm not saying to isolate yourself in your house, quite the contrary. I want to give you tools so that you can vibrate at your highest frequency possible to be the light warrior that this world so desperately needs.

1. Acceptance- Accept that most of the feelings you are feeling are not yours. Sometimes having empathy for everyone that you come into contact with can make you feel like an emotional roller coaster, but accepting that most of them are probably not yours and they will soon pass should offer some relief.  Being able to become a part of the person with whom you are sharing times in your life with is a true gift but be picky with who you share yourself with.  Some will take advantage.  As I always say, the bugs are always attracted to the light. The more you harness your gift, the less this will happen.

2. Protection- Surround yourself with an invisible shield.  Continually throughout the day visually surround yourself with an invisible shield so that only the people you want in can get it.  This will protect you from feeling drained after being around a lot of people and help you appear invisible to those you don't want attention from. Once you have mastered your own shield then begin shielding your loved ones and continue on until you have the entire world enveloped in a shield of love.

3. Be wise- Do not suppress your power with alcohol and drugs. It is very tempting for empaths to try and suppress all that they are feeling with substance and drug abuse. Trying to mask the feelings that they have taken on. Hoping that by numbing themselves with getting high or drunk there will be some relief.  Drugs and alcohol are NEVER the answer. Lost souls depend and rely on these substances to temporarily feel good, when in turn it just suppresses their happiness and can easily turn into a downward spiral of depression and deadly addictions. If you are an empath, you will also be more sensitive to alcohol and drugs.  A little experimenting for a normal person could be a definition of a good time but to an empath it could be deadly. Real fulfillment comes in the form of accepting your gifts and utilizing them to the best of your abilities. These steps will help you do just that.

4. Surrender- Food addictions, obsessive compulsive disorders.  Growing up as a sensitive child can be a recipe for disaster if you don't have someone to help guide you through your special needs.  My Mom never understood why I preferred to be alone, even as a child.  But it was the only time I felt in control of my surroundings. I didn't understand why people where always dumping their lives onto me and needing me to help them. I didn't know how to protect myself and transmute the energies. I felt tired and confused all the time.  My only peace was when I was alone or dancing.  In a desperate need to regain some control I developed a knack for organizing my room that spun out into an obsessive compulsion where everything had to be in a perfect way. Obsessive disorders and food disorders are not uncommon to empaths, as they feel like it is the only thing that they have control over. As I got older I understood, acknowledged and ultimately surrendered control and was able to overcome my OCD.

5. Meditation- Spend time alone in silence, tuning into your knowingness.  Alone time is vital for empaths to be able to connect and get rooted back into their own bodies.  Check in several times a day to let go of emotions that may have latched onto you and give yourself the opportunity to release and get clear.

6. Earthing- Empaths crave nature and it is a great support for empaths.  It is one place where they actually get recharged instead of being the one to charge everyone else. Touching the earth often is cleansing and healing. Walk barefoot outside for several minutes a day and lay on the ground as often as you can. Try touching your forehead to the earth upon rising and before bed. This is called child's pose in yoga and is also a very common pose practiced in a lot of prayer rituals.  Be sure to at least touch the ground or shake off energies after you have been hugging or meeting a lot of people. This goes without saying when you are doing any kind of body work. Be mindful of who you let massage or work on you, as you might end up healing them by taking their pain on, if you don't learn to transmute and discharge that shadow energy you can get sick. Give it to Mother Earth she will recycle it into love, as you do.

7. Release- Finding constructive ways to transform and release the energies that are not yours is vital for an empath.  Dance, sing, sports, paint, anything that you can do to have a creative outlet to get lost in and transmute shadow energies so that you can live in your optimum health and vibrate at your highest frequency. I always say that dance saved my life. It was one of my tools to release all the pain and emotions that I took on.

8. High frequency music-  High frequency sounds have the capability to heal and repair your DNA.  A perfect way for empaths to cleanse and replenish your body so that it can work at it's highest capacity. I see it as a tune up for my soul. Listen frequently and share with your family and friends. This also makes great lullaby music for babies and children. Sounds that I love are 528hz (love frequency) or 432hz (earth frequency).

Higher vibrations consume and transform lower vibrations. -LaOta Rassoull  

Comments (17)

  • Emma Cairo on July 22, 2017

    Thanks so much for this info! I find all this so interesting and I really feel that it makes a huge difference listening to music in 432 hz. Now I use the 432 player app on all my music. Being a musician myself, I’m so happy I heard about this and I’ve recently decided to re-release all my own music in 432 hz. If anyone is interested in hearing it, I’m linking to my blog with my EP & music video below. It’s free :-)

  • kashwayne on March 27, 2017

    very beautiful

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Thank you:)

  • 8 Musts For Empaths | The Path NOT Traveled on March 27, 2017

    […] See on […]

  • Lei on March 27, 2017

    Wow. I am so happy I read this. I resonated with every single point. It’s no surprise why I fell in love with hiking and often spend time alone at the beach. Now with my newborn, we sit under trees afterward to play and pray. You are right about the drugs and alcohol and ocds. I went through a bad experience with bulimia then that spiraled into drinking which led to drugs and I knew it was heading downhill fast and one day I prayed to God to save me. And he answered my prayer with my baby girl. Now there are no addictions, just an intense craving to practice yoga. I’m working on cleaning up my diet and negative thoughts and creating a protective shield around me and my girl. May I ask where can I find high frequency music as you’ve mentioned? Thank you again for another great article.

  • Lynn Clark on March 27, 2017

    Thank you so very much for this I Love you <3

  • Lynn Clark on March 27, 2017

    Im So Happy <3

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Your very welcome. Im happy you enjoy it:) xo

  • lAmanda on March 27, 2017

    Thank you very much for this crucial information. I have two children (6&7) who both have neurological problems. I suffer from anxiety and ocd. As well as, a chronic skin problem for the last 3 years that all the “specialists” call “stress related.”

    Surprisingly, my psychiatrist recently suggested I was sensitive and to do some research. I guess I’ve always known, but have now accepted that I’m an empath.

    Just as you said not to do, I’ve been isolating myself in the house. Also, I’ve been “zoning out” and avoiding the emotional needs of others.

    I’ve been absorbing my children’s (and MANY others’) energy for far too long and it’s taken a toll on me. I’m tired in every sense.

    I know that my balance (Libra by the way) and energy will be restored with the help of your “rules.” Thank you again

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Happy I was of help:) xo

  • Leslie on March 27, 2017

    I just found out recently that I am an empath and suddenly so much of my life makes sense to me. I am in Recovery after an 18 year addiction to drugs and alcohol. I married an alcoholic emotional vampire at the marriage nearly killed me AND now I understand the how and why of it. I have also struggled with OCD, anorexia and binge eating at different intervals. Understanding and accepting have done so much in my life with the addiction and this new self-awareness I believe will only help me in my journey.
    Thank you for helping me understand WHO I am.

  • leyster101 on March 27, 2017

    I just found out recently that I am an empath and suddenly so much of my life makes sense to me. I am in Recovery after an 18 year addiction to drugs and alcohol. I married an alcoholic emotional vampire at the marriage nearly killed me AND now I understand the how and why of it. I have also struggled with OCD, anorexia and binge eating at different intervals. Understanding and accepting have done so much in my life with the addiction and this new self-awareness I believe will only help me in my journey.
    Thank you for helping me understand WHO I am.

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    I am so happy that I could be of help and congratulations on your recovery. It is common to want to suppress your light . Finding healthy outlets to transmute all the energy that you are aware of will help tremendously. Wishing you all the best!:) xo

  • debarghya chatterjee on March 27, 2017

    i feel like my enery is draining music works fine but need something to recharge

  • NikkyAdelin on March 27, 2017

    Hello, I have been searching for about 3years for people like me and you are sooo much like me that is amazing!!
    Can you maybe hear what people are thinking too??
    I need soo much to have friendswho understand what I feel every day!!
    Please, would you. maybe, would you like to discuss about similarities and differences about us and being an Empath??
    I soo need that!!
    I am such an strong Empath that I can even use the enrgy of a person to answer questions about them & their future, if they want to know something that might be important to them (even is after I get an huge migrane). For me it works that I can jump ahead in the future (not far, like 5 or 10 years) and I can like look in the “past” which at the point is the past and tell thm how the life was in that present time, but only like important stuff.. I see images in my mind and I must tell the person in question, otherwise it obsseses me!!
    — Anyway, I hope you don’t think that I am crazy, please, I need to have friends who are like me … Every day I stepp out the door I feel verything that all th world feels & its mostly sadness and it makes me cry!..
    I made an website and I will do alternative therapy and I will help people with my gifts, but before that I REALLY NEED TO TALK WITH OTHER EMPATHS THAT UNDERSTAND ME.!! :’(

    I hope I’d get an answer from you, as this is not the first time I try to talk with people like me but to my disapointment, other times they just ignored me!..

    Friendly Greetings, Nikky (I am 34yrs old).

  • NikkyAdelin on March 27, 2017

    Hello, I have been searching for about 3years for people like me and you are sooo much like me that is amazing!!
    Can you maybe hear what people are thinking too??
    I need soo much to have friendswho understand what I feel every day!!
    Please, would you. maybe, would you like to discuss about similarities and differences about us and being an Empath??
    I soo need that!!
    I am such an strong Empath that I can even use the enrgy of a person to answer questions about them & their future, if they want to know something that might be important to them (even is after I get an huge migrane). For me it works that I can jump ahead in the future (not far, like 5 or 10 years) and I can like look in the “past” which at the point is the past and tell thm how the life was in that present time, but only like important stuff.. I see images in my mind and I must tell the person in question, otherwise it obsseses me!!
    — Anyway, I hope you don’t think that I am crazy, please, I need to have friends who are like me … Every day I stepp out the door I feel verything that all th world feels & its mostly sadness and it makes me cry!..
    I made an website and I will do alternative therapy and I will help people with my gifts, but before that I REALLY NEED TO TALK WITH OTHER EMPATHS THAT UNDERSTAND ME.!! :’(

    I hope I’d get an answer from you, as this is not the first time I try to talk with people like me but to my disapointment, other times they just ignored me!..

    Friendly Greetings, Nikky (I am 34yrs old).

  • yotam on March 27, 2017

    Thank you! I feel like I have to inform you fellow empaths about my conclusions with the usage of drugs. especially with acid it will amplify your sensitivity and can be over-whelming in the most horrific way. Just from my experiences and research

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