Every week I am going to feature a super, cool, awesome person who inspires me. I am coming out with a bang, featuring a guy named Matthew Felker.
Matthew was scouted for modeling while he was in college and went on to book such ads as Versace, Gap, and Iceberg. He successfully transitioned into acting, writing and producing. He starred in infamous commercials and music videos with Britney Spears and Celine Dion. He has been in numerous movies, including a Lifetime movie that he stars in called "The Real St. Nick" which airs December 15! His athleticism is that of a professional athlete. It seems that he oozes hard work and dedication through everything he does in his life and his body is proof! I asked him 8 questions to see what tricks he may have to share with us.
1. What is your work out regimen? Right now my regimen is that of a crazy person. I'm training for a full iron man race that is in February to qualify for Kona. (professional) consisting of a 2.4-mile (3.86 km) swim, a 112-mile (180.25 km) bicycle ride and a marathon 26.2-mile (42.2 km) run, raced in that order and without a break. My training usually starts at about 5 am with a 30-60 mile ride on my bike. about 2-4 hours. After that I head to the pool for an hour swim. 2 miles. In the evening i usually head to the gym and do light resistance training. Twice a week I add a 14mile run to the schedule. Running to a minimum to save my joints. It's insanity.. After the race i usually will take off and just do yoga for a month or so. I grew up playing soccer in the olympic development program from a really young age so the discipline in training for me has never been an issue.
3. What inspires you to stay healthy and fit? For most people in Los Angeles or in general, exercise is for vanity. I do it because it helps me keep my mind in check its a game how far I can push myself. Marathon runners often can identify with this game, it's 50 percent physical and training in the other 50 percent is fighting your mind to finish. My inspiration is constantly trying to push myself to a limit that most people just can't. I never want to train or do the things everyone else is doing my inspiration is always constantly trying to find new ways to train that everyone else hasn't jumped on the trendy bandwagon.
6. What is your guilty pleasure? My guilty pleasure is peanut butter. I can eat a jar in a sitting.. Its a good thing Im on a bike every morn at 5am
7. What is something that you want to try but haven't yet? Totally aside from exercise and health related.. I really want to learn to play the piano.

2. Tell us what you eat on a regular day? After being a strict Vegan for years I decided I needed to eat meat again due to the type of training I was doing. I consume probably close to 7 thousand calories a day. Egg Whites, red meat once a week, sweet potatoes, lean ground turkey, and an ample amount of greens that i actually blend in meal replacement shakes to make sure I get enough. I discovered a company body360nutritionals.com that is a bit of a hybrid natural and sports nutrition company which I religiously use their meal replacement shakes 3-4 times a day when training.. A normal person I would suggest 1-2. I also take E3 live wheat grass and ginger shots daily.. Water intake is key too.. Nobody drinks enough water
4. What do you think the biggest mistake people make in trying to get into shape? Biggest mistake is starving themselves and all these cliche juice cleanses.. It's a gimmick.. sure its good to drink a juice here and there but it's not cleansing anything.. and of course you are going to lose weight when you are drinking celery juice all day.. there are no calories.. so you lose weight.. they load lemon which is a diuretic..the metabolism slows down.. and you gain all the weight back and then some when you are done. All while doing this you are depleting your body of nutrients you need. So you lose some weight... are an irritable asshole for a week, feel like crap.. then put it all back on when you are done. :)
5. If you had to choose one thing that you believe keeps you in best shape what would it be? Diet is number one.. if i had a choice between eating well or going to workout.. i would chose eating properly every time..and surprisingly meditation.. as LA hippie as that sounds. Keeping your mind in check keeps your body in check...\. there are plenty of days when things in your life are going wrong.. and working out really is the last thing on your mind.. that tub of ice cream and feeling sorry for yourself is a much better looking alternative. Without your mind in check.. your body doesn't have a chance.

8. What is the best advice you ever got ? Best advice was from my mother... when love takes over your heart mind and soul there are no guarantee that you will be loved back and that is the whole point. Love because you love NOT because you expect anything in return.