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www.vivaglammagazine.com Hair and make up by Katarina VanDerham. Shot by Deja Jordan[/caption]
Taking care of myself is top priority, not only because I feel better when I eat good and exercise, but my biggest motivation is work. I have to look and feel my best for my job. Here are some things I do to get ready for a big photo shoot. You can incorporate them into your life for a special day or occasion, so that you can look and feel your best.
1. No eating or drinking past 7:00 pm. I can eat all day long as long as I stop eating and even drinking by 7:00 pm. I am able to sleep much deeper, because my body isn't having to digest anything and in turn I wake up feeling fresh and light.
2. Kombucha with chai seeds. This is one of my favorite drinks to curb sugar cravings and the chai seeds clean you out , literally.
3. Epsom salt baths. I take Epsom salt baths all the time, mostly for the relaxation and muscle soothing, but it also pulls toxins out of the body. It helps with water retention so the next morning my body feels light and tight.
4. Green tea. During the day I fill up my mason jars with green tea and sip on it all throughout the day. Stopping at around 3:00pm so that the caffeine doesn't keep me up, you can also drink decaf if the caffeine bothers you. Green tea keeps your metabolism going all day, curbs your cravings and keeps you from retaining water in the body.
5. Scrub and moisturizer. I am a big advocate of scrubbing in the shower. I use a rough hand mitt and scrub hard enough that the skin becomes red. It creates circulation and blood flow giving your body a beautiful glow and preventing cellulite. Always moisturizer after the shower or bath to lock in hydration.
"People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder."
- Salma Hayek