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Why Slow Beauty is the Key to Glowing Skin

The Slow Beauty movement is a lifestyle trend that’s all about adopting a natural and holistic way to taking good care of yourself. This means not giving into the quick-fixes, invasive treatments, and overnight miracles. It's about reshaping your ideals and ideas around beauty. It focuses on a connection to yourself and an emphasis on slowing down and being patient. 

Slow skincare is within the slow beauty movement and that’s where The Golden Secrets comes in. Global trends indicate that people are demanding transparency in their skincare and beauty products, and that includes: sustainability, clean ingredients, and no use of toxic chemicals. To take it a step further, people want to know WHO is making their products (small-batch vs. manufacturing) and a lot of people are moving away from “fast skincare” and quick fixes and moving to slow beauty and adopting a skincare regimen that takes time, patience, and commitment - but works for the long-term.

Beauty starts with self-care and being gentle with yourself. This includes taking time to eat fresh, seasonal food, working out regularly, following the circadian rhythm, and of course getting into a proper skincare routine. You can use makeup to cover things all day long, but it never looks good if your skin underneath isn’t in a good place to begin with.

Here’s a few simple ways you can jump on the Slow Beauty train and GLOW!

Daily Self-Care: All about carving a few small moments out of each day to practice the kind of mindful self-care and wellness that makes you glow. When practiced over time, these little moments add up to big results - you feel healthier, joyful and more radiant too. My favorite self-care ritual is facial and body gua sha. You can get the Sorceress Stone Ritual Collection HERE and the Sculpting Stone Ritual HERE. (each come with a 40+ page ebook & 2 tutorial videos!)

Simple Skincare: Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a 10-step skincare regimen; less is more. The Golden Secrets products are multi-purpose for this reason. Instead of wiping and rubbing a bunch of random stuff all over your face, use a few QUALITY clean products CONSISTENTLY and you will start to see results. Just keep in mind the skin takes 28 days to renew so be patient. Slow Beauty is all about working harmoniously with your skin to produce more natural, softer results.

Slow Aging: Slow Beauty invites you to stop feeling dissatisfied with the natural aging process, and simply embrace the beauty of aging gracefully.  Aging is a natural process - It’s about how we do it that counts. Nourishing and caring for your skin is surely better than subjecting it to a host of toxins, needles and painful surgeries. And often, the results of natural aging look much better. 

Pillars of Health: The food you eat, the way you move your body and how much sleep you get are all intertwined. And of course… these three things have a huge impact on your skin. Basically, a healthy body inside equals glowing skin on the outside. Read my book The Golden Secrets To Optimal Health to learn more.

Unplug: Slow Beauty isn’t just about what you put on your skin, but how you take care of yourself and how you show up in the world. Going inward, slowing down, and being present is a recipe for peace and happiness. 

When these five things are done consistently, it adds up to big results - not only in feeling healthier and more joyful, but in achieving true beauty and timeless aging! I encourage you to add these things into your rituals and GLOW 



Emma, Director of Marketing at The Golden Secrets, blends her passion for health, wellness, and natural skincare with a rich background in holistic nutrition and fitness. Emma holds a Master’s of Science in Nutrition, is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (IIN), a Functional Nutritionist trained by MindBodyGreen experts in gut health, inflammation, autoimmune health, brain health, and hormone health, and a Certified Yoga Teacher. Her approach is grounded in the belief that health is a balance of mind, body, and spirit, advocating for a lifestyle in harmony with nature. At The Golden Secrets, Emma aims to inspire holistic wellness through her expertise and personal philosophy.

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