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This post contains affiliate links. Please read our affiliate disclosure policy. Thank you to everyone who sent in their questions on Instagram — I love hearing from all of you and I wish I could answer every question. Answering five of the most asked below :) FYI I will be doing this...
Pregnancy is often one of the first times in a woman's life when she really starts looking into what she puts onto her body. It goes without saying, that at TGS we encourage this practice no matter what time of life you are in, but especially if you are planning...
The Truth About Your Favorite Fancy Perfume Did you know that fragrance is referred to as the new second-hand smoke? Not only is this toxic habit damaging to you, but to everyone around you as well. Perfumes/fragrances are extremely popular and I know people who won’t go in public...
Nature provides the perfect foods for each season that gives us the best nourishment during those particular months. It is known that when we eat seasonally and inline with nature our bodies better assimilate the nutrients from the foods. Giving our bodies exactly what we need at that particular time....
If you are looking to add more balance and relaxation into your week without having to leave the comfort of your home then this is for you. The healing ritual of bathing has been used for centuries to cleanse your aura, chakras, and of course heal your body and sooth...
At The Golden Secrets we are committed to natural and organic products that compliment your inner and outer beauty without harming the environment or animals. We carefully select all of our ingredients, taking into consideration sustainable harvesting and fair trade practices. Knowing that plant botanicals are most effective...