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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: love

5 Stages of Love/Day 4

Epifany-This person can be my greatest teacher - You decide to start building bridges instead of walls. You realize that you truly love this person more than anything in the world and instead of pointing the finger at them you start using the mirror they gave you to start making...

5 Stages of Love/Day 3

Blame- All of your energy has been focused on your new relationship. You realize you have been neglecting yourself. You used to take care of yourself more by eating healthy, working out, accomplishing work goals but instead of taking responsibility for this change, you blame your procrastination  on your partner....

5 Stages of Love/Day 2

Reality - After some beautiful time on cloud nine, reality starts to seep in. The honeymoon buzz dwindles down to a low hum and you start seeing those "things" you never saw before. Maybe the person had been doing them all along but you were so doped up on adrenaline...

5 Stages of Love/Day 1

The Honeymoon-  Ahhh the honeymoon period. You know that feeling when you have met someone you really like and you get butterflies just thinking about them. You find yourself day dreaming and dancing on cloud nine. Hormones overflowing with excitement, you seem unable to sleep and your appetite is completely...

10 Natural Ways To Cope With Stress

 It is inevitable that there will be times, days or weeks where life is stressful. The truth is, the stresses in life will always be there but they don't have to affect your quality of life. You can choose to look at the positive and learn ways to cope and...

The 15 Healing Items I Always Have In MY Bag.

This post contains affiliate links. Please read our affiliate disclosure policy. My must haves that I always have in my bag/purse.  Most items can be found at your local health food store. * Rescue Remedy gum & spray- Flower remedy, natural stress reliever that is great for any moment where you are...

The Golden Secrets Essential Oil Benefits

  Each oil is personally made by me with love and light. All oils are organic and pure. The actual recipe must remain a secret but here are some of the benefits this magical oil can cultivate... * This divine natural fragrance will adapt to your own body chemistry. Creating...

Signs From Loved Ones On The Otherside

Since I was a child, I have had a deep connection with the other side. Often spending hours talking to spirits and loved ones that had passed. My experiences and curiosity opened up many conversations with family and friends, where we made pacts, that if one of us would cross...

How I Turned Divorce Into a Positive Thing

It may come as a surprise to some, but I recently went through a divorce. I sure didn't plan on divorce being on my list of things to do in my life but looking back at all my biggest opportunities to grow, they were all moments I hadn't intended. I...